Spa Le Bathroom

Before having Ava I would honestly find myself at the spa at least once a week, whether it be for a facial, body scrub, massage or whatever else was available. I often found a need to always be there, *sigh* dont judge.  

BUT cut to 3 years later with a 3 year old and I simply don’t have the time to tend to my beauty needs as often as I once did, so I diy’d it out and learned how to create a spa experience within my own bathroom. I want to give you ladies a peek into what my routine is like in the evenings after miss Ava Marie is sound asleep.

FACIAL : Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay - you can get this from Whole Foods, Target, and even other various online sources for less than $15! I love finding inexpensive but super effective finds.

This stuff is amazing! Post baby when I began noticing little hormonal breakouts and other annoying things going on with my skin,  my skincare guru Adina Diaz put me on to game and  this mask really helped get my skin in check. It’s a very deep pore cleanse and helps to get all the gunk, toxins safely out while stimulating and improving blood circulation (which gives us that natural flush/glow we tend to look for). It has a heap of minerals and nutrients that are absorbed within the skin, leaving it completely rejuvenated.



1: Wash Face Clean

2: Mix 1 tablespoon of Aztec Clay w/ 1 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar

3: Spread evenly onto Face and decollete area (Allow mask to set on your face for 5-20 minutes **5min for delicate skin, 15-20 min for normal skin** DO NOT be alarmed by the pulsating sensation, this is normal and an indication that it is working)

4: Wash off with warm water and close up your pores by using a toner and finish by using a moisturizer.

5: Enjoy your skin and repeat routine every other week.


Enjoy Spa Le Bathroom & if you use this recipe on your face let me know how it goes for you :)

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